today my passport decide to freak me out
i connect it to several systems with different cables but no luck
drive is spining but no LED activities and nothing detected on computer
so please give me some convincable answer WD guys
am i going to lose my data ?
is it hardware issue ?
if its hardware ,could replacing the harddrive board solves the problem?
all i want ,my data back (its all my life)
have a good day
WD My Passport 1tb USB 3.0
WD rarely answers anything on this forum. This fourum is for user-to-user support.
So, the lights come on, and disk spins. So far alright.
You tried this on other systems, with different cables, alright.
Now, does the disk make any clicking noise, repetitive or perhaps once or twice?
Does the disk spin down on it’s own?
Have you tried this with just a USB 2.0 cable?
I will assume Disk Management on the computer shows no trace of this disk either, right?
Since this is a portable drive, is it possible the connector within the drive housing is bad or intermittent?
If so, how would we be sure without disassembly an inspection?
Once that’s covered then we can go a little bit further.
But right now I’m thinking a pro data recovery service might be in order here. Not sure just yet.
my 500gb portable hard drive got a different problem it is detected by the computer but not showing up in my computer
what is the solution to this problem …???
this problem is freaking me out
my data is safe or not??
no clicking noise .
no spining down .
no USB 2.0 (5pin) connector. it has USB 3.0 Micro-B connector (10 pin) .
nothing detected in disk management .
nothing unusual with the connector ,it seems good .
any other thoughts ?
Well, sounds to me like the disk (or its suppoting electronics and internal connectors) will need to be looked at in person by an expert. A data recovery expert. Not a “computer guy”…
These things are black-box storage devices, they either work or they do not work. I’m not sure what else to look at here? Anyone?