WDD easystore Security App NOT working?!

I just bought a portable easystore 5TB from BestBuy. One of the main reasons I bought beside backup, was security. It’s advertised it has this software and works. I installed tools and come to find out, the Security app throws a “Attach WD device” when my drive is plugged in. While searching for answers online someone divulged that the easystore is NOT supported. WTF? Is this true? Is WD not aware of this??? This is false representation of the product.

Not on any of WD’s advertising or datasheets does it say that it supports WD Security.

Is probably Bestbuy’s fault … check their advertising and representation of the product, and if it’s false then take it up with them.

@Polysig Here is a link to WD Devices (External) with more information.


I take it that this is what you bought.

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