First time post. Need some help. Over the past couple of days losing access to this unit from my Windows10 laptop (well, pretty much all our devices). Getting the error about Microsoft Windows Network:The local device name is already in use. Before it was just a simple matter of rebooting MyBook unit to regain access but now I’m having trouble, Last time I was able to see the contents of the drive for about a minute then lost connection.
The lights seem to indicate all is well. When drive is not busy solid lights on bottom half & when busy lights go up & down.
Troubleshooting I have:
- swapped ethernet cables
- swapped ports on switch
- set static IP on router (I thought I had done this before)
- rebooted the router
After resetting the static IP & rebooting MyBook, I saw it’s entry in the router but then it disappeared. I cannot ping it successfully any longer. I can’t even access via web page to get at control panel.
Any ideas?
I’ve been thinking of resetting MyBook to see if I can gain access to its control panel … what is the default IP address it reverts to?
Thanks in advance.