Next day not accessible

i installed MyBookWorld 2TB on the network. Users have been created and mapped path on each PC. Even saved data properly but from last two days it was showing disconnected. Yesterday i restarted and copied some files but today morning again showing disconnected.

kindly guide me to trouble shoot this problem. Everytime restart can damage the harddisk.

please do the needful. thanks.

please send some reply for the posted issue.

I’ve got the same problem with my mybookworld 1 tb. Only the problem started after 2 weeks. The only way to acces it is thru the ps 3 and the mediaplayer bun none of my 2 desktops and 2 laptops have acces to the files.

ones you payed the aftersales is gone. To bad

Same problem here, i’m experimenting with assigning a static IP adres, that should help according to the helpdesk…

Did assigning the static ip address help?

Have you tried contacting WD’s Technical Support about this?

To Contact WD for Technical Support