WD My Passport

Hey guys,

I have a WDBAAA3200ABK-00 external hard drive and a few weeks ago I plugged it into my tv and it froze… I turned off the tv and pulled out my passport and it messed everything up…

I tried to reformat - wouldn’t work…

Tried to delete the partition in my passport and successfully did so…

Now I reformatted the passport and gave it a letter but when I tried to put any files onto the hard drive it would go from 22mb/per second to like 1kbps… Up and down up and down.

So I finally deleted the volume and reformatted again except this time it didn’t work… Dowloaded the WD Smart ware and tried to install that and no luck!

Now it doesn’t even show up in my computer or on my Device Manager. So I can’t see it anywhere…

I would like to get it back to the original settings… ANyone know how to do this?

Any advice is appreciated!


Have you tried using the DLG tool to see if you can write zeros to the drive?

I have no idea what the DLG Tool is or how to use it…  Can you explain or provide a link by any chance?

Thank you!

ragdexx wrote:

Have you tried using the DLG tool to see if you can write zeros to the drive?

Find your drive at WD and it will be in downloads it’s called Digital Life Guard.


Thanks Joe, Found the file and downloaded the app… My external hard drive will not show up on my computer or device manager… Can’t see it anywhere on my computer no matter whgat i have tried…
