I had some power issue on my laptop then my WD My Passport Ultra 259D not accessible giving fatal error. nothing is shown in the drive
E:\ is not accessible
The request failed due to fatal device hardware error
Can i recover the data some how ? Please help
Hi @daxomania,
Please refer to the article: External Drive Fatal Hardware Error Message on Windows: External Drive Fatal Hardware Error Message on Windows
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:
When “the request failed due to fatal device hardware error ” occurs, your device turns inaccessible. You may usually encounter this error while attempting to transfer/copy your files and suddenly the Windows OS fails to recognize the input or the output devices. In addition, this error could also be due to a fault in the systems hardware, inappropriate configuration, loose connections, etc.
You can check our this blog for more detailed information:
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