My Passport external 2TB Hard Disk

Hi all. I have currently encounter the failure of accessing data which stored in my external hard disk. When I am copy and paste files from/to the external hard disk, there will be error detected and saying the files couldn’t be located.

Attached herewith one of the scenarios that I have encountered. I had proceeded to chat with WD support team last week. They did advise me to run quick test. I did so and the result I got for the quick test is failed. Anyone knows if what can I do?

The support team in fact direct me to create RMA. Im from Malaysia, may anyone know WD Malaysia where the followed address for RMA courier address is operating as now Malaysia is in Full Movement Control Order (FMCO)?

Address mentioned above as followed:-

Hope that anyone of you can share me your comment.

Thanks alot.


could be the hard disk has failed.

I have USB SATA cables for testing purposes and I have found sick USB boxes are 75% box failure and 25% disk faults.

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When “the request failed due to fatal device hardware error” occurs, your device turns inaccessible. This error usually occurs while attempting to transfer/copy files and suddenly the Windows OS fails to recognize the input or the output devices. In addition, this error could also be due to a fault in the systems hardware, inappropriate configuration, loose connections, etc.

To fix the error you can try the below DIY methods:

  1. Check the SMART status
  2. Run an error check
  3. Run CHKDSK scan
  4. Initialize the disk

Further, you can check the below blog to know more troubleshooting methods that can help resolving the issue and also helps to recover data from such drive:

Hope it helps!

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