WD My Passport Studio suddenly not recorgnized


I’ve been using a 1TB My Passport Studio for about 6 months on a Macbook Pro. Its been used mainly for TimeMachine and for some backup of important files.

2 days before the incident it started to make a weird noise for about 4-5 seconds, it was a “loud” noise like it was writting on the HD or something.

Suddenly the HD stopped working, when i plugged on the USB (or Firewire) port the light turns on for 1 second only, I can hear the HD running if I get close to it, but my computer dosnt recognize it. Can’t quick format, or Firmware update it because is like it’s not connected. 

Any ideas? or this is dead

Try updating the firmware on another computer, preferably windows

Thank you for your reply,

I tried connecting the HD to a windows computer to update de firmware, but problem is that it dosnt recognize the HD. I can feel it vibrating (running) but i cant update nothing cause is like is not there.

Even when the HD is not seen by the computer, did you still try to run the update anyways?

If not try it

Yes, i tried with both, windows and mac.

Problem is that it requires a “HD selection” before doing update, and since it cant be recognized i cant do it. 

if that’s the case you need to replace the drive