I’ve been using a 1TB My Passport Studio for about 6 months on a Macbook Pro. Its been used mainly for TimeMachine and for some backup of important files.
2 days before the incident it started to make a weird noise for about 4-5 seconds, it was a “loud” noise like it was writting on the HD or something.
Suddenly the HD stopped working, when i plugged on the USB (or Firewire) port the light turns on for 1 second only, I can hear the HD running if I get close to it, but my computer dosnt recognize it. Can’t quick format, or Firmware update it because is like it’s not connected.
I tried connecting the HD to a windows computer to update de firmware, but problem is that it dosnt recognize the HD. I can feel it vibrating (running) but i cant update nothing cause is like is not there.