sorry for my bad english.
my external drive “MY PASSPORT” works on a lenovo Thinkpad since over a year. But it works only at one special USB 2.0 powerplug.
Now i have buy a second lenovo machine.
This new machine has only USB 3.0 plugs and powerplugs.
If i connect the “My passport” to the new machine, sometimes Windows 10 recognize the drive, sometimes only for a few minutes. Most time windows show me no drives, no matter wich plug.
In the system contol overview i find the “My Passport”, but in Explorer there are no drives.
If i connect the “My passport” to the older machine, no problems, it works everytime.
My opinion is, there must be a problem with USB3.0, but the external drive “My passport” is made for USB 3.0.
I search now two days with google, but no result.
Thank you for help
Hello, something new.
The problem comes from the drivers.
In the systemcontrol under “devices and printer” i see the “my passport” and there is a note, that the problem is the driver.
If i use the troubleshooting, it will be automatically deinstalled and installed new drivers. After newstart the machine, the problem is the same.
Can tell me anyone, where i become drivers for WDBY8L0020BBK-01.
Thank you for support
Hello, the solution is, a USB-HUB with USB2.0 between the machine and the WD My Passport.
Than it works.
I dont´know, but it works
Besides using a USB 2.0 adapter, you should try reinstalling the USB drivers for the USB 3.0 ports while the drive is connected.