My WD My Passport 0740 USB powered hard drive that had been working (and that I backed up my dying computer’s data too) is now no longer showing up as a drive on any computer I have tried (up to 6 different computers now with various operating system from XP to 7).
I get Found New Hardware USB Mass Storage Device popup when first connecting it to a PC.
It doesn’t show up in disk management (as well as My computer):
I have tried updating the drivers through windows and also from dowloading the latest from the WD website.
I have tried uninstalling all the WD devices in Device Manager (see screen grab below showing the three categories that show up/install for the HDD i.e. Disk drives,USB controllers and WD drive management devices), unplugging the HD, restarting and then plugging back in.
The white LED light on the HD flashes while connected at about two flashes per second.
I have tried multiple cables.
The firmware will not update:
LifeGuard shows the following results:
I hope I have provided enough information but I can provide more if required.
Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,