Hi, I’ve bought ShareSpace & am very disappointed to learn :cry: that I’m not able to access MioNet on my iPhone due to Java & that only WD Photo app is available on iPhone. Hence, I would like to suggest that WD develop an all-in-one app for iPhone :manvery-happy: instead of only Photo. This new app should be similar to QNap’s iphone app - accessable to view photos, watch videos, play music & access data/files/documents from the NAS. Looking forward for such app soon! Thanks! :robothappy:
any news on when this cool app is launching?
Good idea. You have my vote.
hello hello…anyone still working in wd? anyone in wd is working on this to enhance consumers’ experience?
Hi, for me is not An enhancement… IT IS A MUST. In few days apple will go on with ios5 and cloud… Where is WD? More and more people use their tablets and want to be able to handle their files on the go… Mionet seems soooo. OLD… Only java access and soooo slow… WD photos is great… But why only photos? Why not to be able to handle various type of files? Even if the app was a paid app I would pay for it. Few months ago I purchased a book world disk. I am not willing to go on to pay again for a live disk in order to be able to use WD 2go app… I am expecting more for the best disk etc company in the world… Come on WD … Impress us…
You get my vote on an enhanced WD Photo to allow viewing all files
I agree. Will there be an app for the Iphone to retrieve all files from one’s PC??? It seems like a common need and request.