WD App Manager Will Not Open For Back Up

Dear Helpful Folks,

I’m trying to do a monthly back up with a WD My Passport Ultra–it’s worked OK for many months now. Today, these icons on my Desktop worked fine–“WD Utilities” and the “WD Security” (so I could unlock my drive). Then I selected “WD Backup” and nothing happened–no lights blinking, nothing appearing on screen about backup, etc. The drive shows up on my computer so it is recognized and I’m using Windows 10. Can you please help me with this problem? I’d sure appreciate it. Thanks for your reading and help.

Hello, you can try to re-install the application, download it from the WD Support site and try to install it, if it fails I would attempt to uninstall and re-install.

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Will try. Thank you, Illuna. I think you helped me before. :hibiscus:

*I did an uninstall and then an install and STILL can not back up. I think I’m going to have to call WD Support tomorrow because I am stuck at this point. Any ideas out there?!?