Please help me. Atleast ro recover my data in the external hard drive. My wd 1tb external hard drive is not recognizing and if i do any thing to detect it it freezes the whole thing
the following are thing that i have done to try solved it :-
1.) uninstalled USB ports , registries ,change usb port/cable. result : tried so many times but still not showing up.
2.) I am using windows 7 tried to use Disk managment . result : if i open disk managment after plugin in hard disk ,it won’t open, when right click to change the drive letter it shown unmark except for delete. if i open it before and then try to locate external hard drive it freezes .
3.) Devce manager , if i open it and then plug in hardrive it shows the hardrive in disk drivers section and the USB controler section also have a entry named for my external hard drive it could be uninstalled (does’t matter still can’t open it)
4.) CMD if i try to accesse it with CMD it will take some time and say “error performing inpage operation”
possible reason :
one time when i was using it it stopped working and freezed so i directly removed the cable (" saftly remove" wasn’t working ) and thats how the whole thing started ,the only possible resone i can think of is it was set on" performence mode" and i removed it directly