Viewing backed up data

I have just purchased a my passport 1td, plugged it into my son’s laptop and done the automatic backup, which seems to have worked. Is there a way that i can see what is on the passport? I have tried to look and i can see that data has gone onto it, but cannot view it? I ask because we are taking photos, videos, documents etc. off the laptop and storing them on the passport but i want to make sure what is on there before i delete trom the laptop. Hope that makers sense.

You may need to use the backup software to view what’s backed up. This is important never trust important data to just one drive internal or external no matter who makes it. A backup is an additional copy not the only copy.


I have the same problem. The software shows the amount of data stored but I can’t see the details. What are the steps to see and possibly edit the data saved? (After my buying the My Passport I had WD support tech check my installation and they confirmed it was working).

Try enabling Show Hidden Files and see if that helps.


Thank you Joe, I tried both suggestions but it still does not work to show me the files of the backup. Can you actually see the files copied to My Passport?