My Passport doesn't show backup files but I can open the drive

When I use WD Backup, I can’t find the file afterword. The same thing happens in Windows Backup. Quick View is indicating that storage space is being consumed, but I can’t seem to see it.
How do I view these files and why can’t I see them?

Hello there,

If you manually go to the drive, do you see any folders?

So sorry for taking so long to reply. I have resolved my issue but I do appreciate your response and interest as this led me to the answer. It took 6 clicks to find the backup files…I never would have thought it would take so much to read them.

Cannot locate my files after backup - can anyone tell me how.
I’ve gone into wdsmartware.swstor but it shows nothing?

Hi there,
Do you have the answer to the missing file question? According to the WD backup window a backup was performed but there is no new file shown on the target drive. All I see in the WD backup.swstor file in one file from the first backup.
Another question, several small files failed to backup, but I cannot tell what they are from the very long string of numbers and letters which identify them.