View data copied to drive from Mac on a PC?

I copied some data from my mac to my external drive (I didn’t use the smartware thing, just dragged items to copy). I didn’t lock the drive and haven’t used Smartware at all).  I need to access the data on the drive from a PC, but when I connect it to the PC, all I see is the SmartWare stuff. How do I get to my data?

To share data on both Mac and PC computers you need to do these steps below:

Take the drive an plug it back to the Mac computer.

Note: Re-partition the drive will erase all data. Please back up first.

Go to Disk Utility.

Choose the “Partition”

Under “Options” choose “Master Boot Record”

Under Format " choose “MS-DOS (FAT)”

click “Apply” and “Partition”

The drive is now Formatted with Master Boot Record.

It can be read/write from both Mac and PC computers.

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This resolves my question but it doesn’t solve my problem, lol.

I no longer have the machine (Mac) from which I did the backups. So I’m going to need to borrow someone’s Mac to backup the backups on the external drive before I format it so that it now works on PCs; kinda defeating the purpose of having bought an external drive for backups in the first place. Anyhoo, I’ll stick to LaCie drives from now on. I can just plug-and-play those to both Macs and PCs.

Thanks for the info!