Upgrading My Book Pro from 6 to 12 Tb?

Hello to all.

I have connected for many years now a WD My Book Pro to my Imac 27" 5K (12.7.3 Monterey) with a thunderbolt 2 wire.

My My Book Pro (total of 6tb) was working very well until one of the 2 HDD (3Tb) failed (red light).

So, instead of just replacing the faulty 3Tb HDD, I thought that purchasing 2 WD HDD of 6Tb each will easily replace and upgrade the My Book Pro to 12Tb.

This is where I encounter a problem :thinking:. If both the two new 6Tb HDD are well accepted by the My Book Pro, showing an icon wit 12Tb in the WD Drive Utility software, the maximum capacity I can enter is still only… 3Tb!

So, I am wondering if there is a procedure to apply to make the My Book Pro understand it has a bigger capacity? Or not? :roll_eyes:

Many thanks in advance for all the help you may provide me with. :wink:

OK. I finally solved the problem.

After a close and long examination, I discovered a white (on white background) “button” under the grey banner of the WD DRIVE UTILITIES software. I have been looking for this function without success. Then I looked to an older version of this software to see the position of this button and this helped me to find it at last!

From there, I clicked on RAID MANAGEMENT and I was able to reinitialize the 2 6Tb HDD by erasing and reinitialize them in RAID O and JBOD (individual hard disc). And I checked with my Imac disc utility that both were now 6Tb.

Then I switched again under RAID 1! And again I checked that the visible HDD was still 6Tb.
Now it seems to work perfectly.

Unfortunately, I tried to contact WD but they were unable to respond to my questions or help me about HDD replacement in this My Book Pro as this product was “no longer” sold by WD. Well my friends, there is a solution.


Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

I do not want to bother myself more than necessary. My experience with WD support (in French) just showed me how my interlocutor was not trained enough to answer my questions. His answers were simply that he could not tell me if I could upgrade from 6 to 12To my actual machine and that if it is not my disc that is faulty, then it is my machine (!).
To be honest what he told me was to try and purchase on WD site, the hard disc and to see if it works or not. And he told me that I could send back the hard discs if it does not work. I was also apparently “granted” a 10% discount that I never got.
So to make a long story short, you can upgrade a Western Digital My Book Pro to 6, 8, 12 or 16To (16To being the maximum). I upgraded mine from 6 to 12To and it works perfectly well.