Unable to access My Passport

I have intermittently been experiencing problems with My Passport not being recognised.
I mostly use it on a Macbook Pro Retina 2013. It sometimes did not load up on my desktop but after a bit of digging it suddenly appeared. More recently it hasn’t shown up. If I find it on Disk Utility I still wasn’t able to access it.
When I plug it in and open WD Drive Utilities it is recognised and passes the first test. The other 2 begin but do not progress beyond 10%. Previously all tests passed. I have updated both my Macs and WD Driver Utilities software.
I have 2 USB ports on my computer, one either side and both have the same problem.
I tried it on a window laptop previously used with this HD and it was having the same problems although I could see it in control panel, I wasn’t able to access it.
When I plug it in to the Mac is sounds like it spins normally but the light rapidly flashes. When I plugged it into the windows laptop the light did not flash.
I was thinking of using a Y USB to see if it was a power issue but that’s not possible with the USB ports on opposite sides unless there’s a cable designed for this.

Is there a fix or? is the drive dead or will I need to look at data recovery?

P.s I’m not computer savvy.

Thank you

The failed tests alongside your unit’s behavior unfortunately point out to a hardware failure. If data recovery is a concern then I’d recommend contacting a professional data recovery service company.