When connecting My Passport to computer receive message “BackUp not available
Did following:
Tried several USB ports
My Passport indicates disk rotating & light on & steady
Disk utility recognizes drive & performed first aid
No positive results. Your help will e appreciated. Thanks
Are you able to test the unit on a different computer or using a different USB cable?
Thanks: Not able to try with different USB cable. Yes, can treat unit on another computer but will take a day or 2 to arrange. If it does work on different computer what is next step?
Appreciate your interest in my behalf.
You can try downloading the WD drive utilities for Mac to run a diagnostic on the mean time.
if it does work on a different system, make sure that your Mac is up to date.
Thanks once more. I am falling into deeper hole. Downloaded utilities. Previously My Mac does not even recognize My Passport. The drive does not show under Devices in Finder. To me it appears I am dead in the water. What do you suggest now? I still have not been able to take My passport to another computer.
Your reply will be greatly appreciated.