Ultra Slow! Transfer rate with Ultra Dual Drive Go USB 1TB on MacOS/ExFat

Hi there,
Takes about 1h to transfer 818MB from my MacBook (RAM-8GB) to the Ultra Dual Drive 1TB, who becomes very very hot.
Writing/reading speed is correct on my Dell PC notebook & Lenovo Android Tablet. The drives doesn’t get even warm. The problem lies with MacOS.
I bought the USB drive 4 days ago and transferring files from my MacBook takes ages! What’s wrong? the driver? I restarted the MacBook (Sonoma 14.4.1) nothing changes.
Thanks a lot!

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Hi, thank you. Yes I checked the knowledge base and didn’t found an explanation for the latency. It seems to be related specifically to this Sandisk Drive. I don’t have this problem with other drives working with exfat system file.

It could be a MacOS compatibility issue or power management limiting speeds.

Try formatting the drive to exFAT using Disk Utility and see if that improves transfer times.