The case of the RAW drive ( a My Book adventure )

Hey everyone, so far there isn’t a conclusion to this story -maybe one of you can help write it? :slight_smile:

I have a 1TB My Book (WD10EADS) that went RAW a little while ago. I’m not sure why, it could had been unplugged without properly ejecting the drive or something ( ? ) and, there is no visible physical damage to the drive, no strange sounds etc.

-Disk Management states the drive is working properly. There are 2 partitions within the disk and both are apparently healthy. ( F: and E: ) and are showing 0 free/used space.

-I haven’t done all that much with the drive except run data recovery software at it such as, Stellar Phoenix, ICare and EaseUS. The searches have pulled up different quantities of data, recognizing between 177 GB - 430 GB. ( I had apx. 600 gigs on this drive ) and all the files pulled are gibberish with shockwave extensions, gzip’s, mof’s etc… all files I don’t recognize.
-I’m not really sure how to check for a missing or bad MBR…I tried Testdisk and DMDE to look at the sectors but, I really have no idea what i’m doing with those programs and, I’m way too nervous about making the drive worse.

I don’t know how valid this is but, I read somewhere that changing your OS can sometimes aid in corrupting a drive. If there is validity to that then, when I first got the drive I was running winXP, and when it corrupted I was using XP …and now I use 7. So, I don’t think it’s just a matter of rolling back to xp and plugging the drive in.

Now i’m in limbo and not sure what to do without handing out my life savings.
Any help or suggestions would be HUGELY appreciated ( and get you credits in this adventure novel once it’s published :stuck_out_tongue: )

Hello, artofstoo,

There could be multiple reasons for the issue that you are facing however for the precise and for the live troubleshooting please try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support