Hello, correct me if I am wrong, but I think there is no way around this issue and that it could be easily fixed (I have updated to lastest firmware today):
When I am browsing artists on the 2gb fuze, I have many artists with multiple albums (many times songs are from mixtapes/EPs, so there might be a few albums but only a couple songs each) and if I am browsing for a song while one is playing I would like to be able to view ALL songs from an artist (not just a single album). If I try to hit forward (or select) while Play All is highlighted, the first song in the list starts playing and interrupts the current song. However, if I select a specific album, this problem does not occur, and I am able to browse for the next song while listening to my current song finish. It would be nice if we could view songs from all albums of an artist while a song is playing without that song being interrupted!
If there is a way to do this please let me know - but if not, I really think this would be a great&easy improvement for the next firmware update!
Try this. Click “Play All” and then click the down button. Click back to music list, and you will be presented with all of the songs by that artist. I wish they gave you the option to view songs instead of albums as soon as you click the artist though.
It’s only undesirable if you are switching artists. I understand the complaint, but you should know what songs are there anyway, I don’t get why you want to look at them before a song ends unless you want to play it before the songs ends, in which case it’s not that undesirable to just hit play all…
Umm yes I do switch artists quite often, and obviously if you are listening to music and switching artists you are not going to want to let the song finish and have a long pause while you are spending time searching for the next one. I have a lot of songs, extra ones on expansion card too, and no I dont have all of the mixtapes/eps/albums memorized for them. Hence why I am spending time requesting this feature. I think most users would appreciate it as well, and there is no drawback whatsoever to SanDisk adding the functionality… simply assign the forward button to “View” the Play All list instead of automatically playing it. The middle select key starts playing on Play All as well, so that button can retain its currently redundant function!
This request might seem like a SIMPLE improvement, BUT its not. Nothing they add to the firmwire is an easy fix. Modifications maybe but not an addition you are looking for.
A “View All Songs” just under “Play All” would probably use a lot of the same code, and very well might be an easy addition. Personally I can’t recall ever wanting this, though.
@bdb wrote:
A “View All Songs” just under “Play All” would probably use a lot of the same code, and very well might be an easy addition. Personally I can’t recall ever wanting this, though.
Hmm well it’s curious the demand on this forum for that function seems fairly low. I didn’t mean to add in anything. When you highlighy Play All, hitting middle select button or forward both do the same thing and start playing the first song in the “Play All list”. Simply changing the assignment of one of these buttons to view the list which already exists within the firmware program is what I’m looking for.
Having a good amount of computer programming experience, I was pretty comfortable asserting this would be an easy thing to do. If I had the code and a way of assembling it I would try to do it myself haha. But anway its just a suggestion that I think would be an improvement and I don’t see any drawbacks to it. Anyone else out there interested in this feature speak up!
Message Edited by hamsterbro12 on 01-10-2009 10:02 PM
@hamsterbro12 wrote:
Hmm well it’s curious the demand on this forum for that function seems fairly low. Having a good amount of computer programming experience, I was pretty comfortable asserting this would be an easy thing to do. If I had the code and a way of assembling it I would try to do it myself haha. But anway its just a suggestion that I think would be an improvement and I don’t see any drawbacks to it. Anyone else out there interested in this feature speak up!
There are a few, I am sure many people would like it but dont realize its not there. I for one couldnt care less. I dont usually play by artist or album. So for me atleast it would be a waste. If it is an easy program to write then it will probably make it eventually.
Basically if they already know how to make it so when you select albums it can show all the songs in the album… why dont they just make a new option so that they can view all song and just show all the songs… shouldn’t be that tough considering they already have most of the code for view songs in album and so forth. ITS EASY! and seriously if anyone says it isnt, then they are f’in R’tarded. because thats what sandisk pays the programmers for. and obviously if the programmers arent that smart to be able to add something like this, then they are completely useless. i mean seriously if they really sucked at programming, do you really think a fuze or anything from sandisk would be available?
@hustla816 wrote:
Basically if they already know how to make it so when you select albums it can show all the songs in the album… why dont they just make a new option so that they can view all song and just show all the songs… shouldn’t be that tough considering they already have most of the code for view songs in album and so forth. ITS EASY! and seriously if anyone says it isnt, then they are f’in R’tarded. because thats what sandisk pays the programmers for. and obviously if the programmers arent that smart to be able to add something like this, then they are completely useless. i mean seriously if they really sucked at programming, do you really think a fuze or anything from sandisk would be available?
In this very soft economy, most companies are not going to spend a lot of their valuable resources in improving an exsiting product…It’s all about keeping the company profitable or intact right now. I don’t know Sandisk’s philosophy on this issue, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for any changes with the product as we see it now…at least short-term.
Also, just because a feature or function is important to you, doesn’t mean that it would be desirous for the majority of fuze owners. I’m sure a large part of Sandisk’s time is devoted to answering such questions. If the majority of owners do not see a particular feature as a benefit, it probably won’t be included in any further development unless demand is there.
Message Edited by fuze_owner-GB on 01-11-2009 02:35 AM
"If the majority of owners do not see a particular feature as a benefit, it probably won’t be included in any further development unless demand is there. "
Owners? Don’t you mean potential owners, those who might consider buying in the future? If someone already owns the product, no additional revenue is received from firmware updates for them(except if they buy some players as gifts, since firmware updates are free to consumers). While it might be desirable to please those who already own the product(so they will make future purchases of the company’s products), the main emphasis is on improving the product for those who might buy in the future. The best way to do this though is for the company to listen to suggestions by those who already own the product. Keep in mind that the marginal cost(cost for each extra unit, ie. the cost difference beween making 1 million units vs a million and one) of a firmware update is zero, so for high volume products making useful firmware updates is quite beneficial.
"If the majority of owners do not see a particular feature as a benefit, it probably won’t be included in any further development unless demand is there. "
Owners? Don’t you mean potential owners, those who might consider buying in the future? If someone already owns the product, no additional revenue is received from firmware updates for them(except if they buy some players as gifts, since firmware updates are free to consumers). While it might be desirable to please those who already own the product(so they will make future purchases of the company’s products), the main emphasis is on improving the product for those who might buy in the future. The best way to do this though is for the company to listen to suggestions by those who already own the product. Keep in mind that the marginal cost(cost for each extra unit, ie. the cost difference beween making 1 million units vs a million and one) of a firmware update is zero, so for high volume products making useful firmware updates is quite beneficial.
By “owners” I meant present and potential. I’ve been involved in market research and strategy for over 30 years, so I have a pretty good idea what methodology they will use to determine the cost vs. benefit ratio.
@shenanagins1091 wrote:
When you click an Artist, it should say view all albums or view all songs. Then you could choose between the two and everyone is happy,
That just adds an extra step just for everyone. There’s no reason not to leave it the way it is, but include an extra line for View All Songs.