I have an intermittent problem with my Clip. Sometimes when I try to assign a rating to a song, it works fine. Then other times I find that songs I previously thought I rated are still unrated.
When it gets in that mode, I display the rating screen, select the numer of stars and press to save the rating. Then I display the ratings again and it’s back to unrated. Then, a few days later I try to rate a song and it works fine.
I cannot figure out what causes it or what fixes it. I thought that the problem may occur when I try to rate a song that is in a Playlist, and it seems that the problem gets fixed sometimes after I connect to Rhapsody. But neither of those are repeatable.
There is a 100 song limit to the number of user ratings between connections. If you rate alot of songs, sync up to Rhapsody and the ratings will be updated o the PC. Then you can unplug and rate another 100 songs.
I saw that mentioned on the forum, but I tried it and this time it didn’t work. I plugged up to Rhapsody and let the Clip synch. I even loaded a new song from Rhapsody to be sure that they were talking.
After unplugging, I tried to rate the new song I just loaded and it didn’t work. I selected 3 stars and pressed the button. Then I pulled up the rating and it was still 0 stars.
I haven’t been able to rate a song in the last few weeks. Is it a limit of 100 songs in memory, or 100 songs total? It almost feels like I have reached the limit of songs I can rate. I wonder if I delete a song I’ve previously rated if it would let me rate another.
I’ve realized another odd fact. In the current mode, I can *CHANGE* the rating on a song that already has a rating (1 star or better). However, I cannot rate a song that has no rating (no stars).
@sansafix wrote:
There is a 100 song limit to the number of user ratings between connections. If you rate alot of songs, sync up to Rhapsody and the ratings will be updated o the PC. Then you can unplug and rate another 100 songs.
Is this documented anywhere? So what happens if you have rated more than 100 songs in a session? Is there a way to completely clear the Clip’s rating file for Rhapsody? I’ve had numerous cases where the song shows up on the clip as rated but won’t show up in the Rhapsody program when it shows the tracks on the device.