some music doesnt play

I use a Mac and iTunes to organize my “free” media, but my brand new Sansa Fuze wont play many of the songs. I loaded 502 songs, 337 showed up and only 288 actually played. The formats of the song varied from MP3 to MP4 to WAV files? Can anyone help me clear this up? Thank you

Whatabust wrote:
I use a Mac and iTunes to organize my “free” media, but my brand new Sansa Fuze wont play many of the songs. I loaded 502 songs, 337 showed up and only 288 actually played. The formats of the song varied from MP3 to MP4 to WAV files? Can anyone help me clear this up? Thank you

The files have to be in a supported format. Mp3, Wav, Ogg, Flac, and Im sure Im forgetting a few. The thing is that if you dont change the itunes settings when you rip your own CDs or when you dl from Itunes, youll get ACC files which arent compatible, the same is true of MP4 files. You may want to look into a program that will convert your files to mp3  so you can use itunes still and that the files will play on the Sansa. Check out the Manual for the player to see what formats are supported for sure.

.m4a  files from iTunes Music Store do not play on the Sansa. Apple likes to keep those to itself.

iTunes can convert those to mp3. Apple tells you how.

The Fuze will play .mp3, .wav, .wma and, if it has recent firmware, .ogg and .flac. 

.mp4 are video files. You’re going to have to convert those too–use video4fuze.

Message Edited by Black-Rectangle on 12-27-2009 04:04 PM


A fellow Mac user…Hooray!!  Just posted a response to a similar question.  I had the same problem until I found out that the track loss was due to ghost files.


Since you need to use MSC mode to connect to your Mac, you end up with numerous ghost files when doing the drag and drop of files from the Mac to the Fuze.  These little non-functioning duplicates take up valuable space so I use “KopyMac 3b” to clean those annoying little cling ons out of memory.  You will recognize these ghost files as “duplicates” of existing tracks or the "._ " you will see at the front of the individual track name if you scroll through your track listing.


I also use a little app called “Synch iTunes to Sansa Device” to transfer from iTunes to my Sansa.  Real easy to use and free, even referenced on the Apple app site.


Best of luck!


What a great find! I’m going to start a separate thread so people who need this can find it.