I recently bought a new MacBook Pro and decided to use my My Password Wireless Pro on wifi rather than USB. When I try to connect I get a message showing my log-on user name and asking for a password for the My Passport server. AFAIK I never set up a password for this, and having tried some of the obvious options I am at a loss what to do. It’s not my admin password, nor the one that’s on the box. I can log on as Guest, but it appears that I cannot delete files from the drive as a result. Since I use it rather than the SSD for all my photos, music and videos, I am not in a position to reformat it. Any thoughts please? (or do I just got back to using it as a US drive?
I am running the latest version of High Sierra.
When re connecting with my iPad (after My Wireless Pro has been off), I get a message saying I entered incorrect password. Reentering password gives same result (wrong password). However, after selecting home network and then reselecting the My Pro Wireless network, the iPad connects without requesting the password again.
Oh, the password required, is the one on the box.
Thanks, but my issue is different. Until it can be resolved, I will be using the USB connection rather than WiFi. Using the latter means I am unable to delete or rename files so working with Lightroom is impossible!
Hi, I’ve got a My Passport Wireless. I wasn’t able to remember my admin password. And using “Guest “ to access . I was warned that I would have to totally strip out My Passport Wireless and loose all my files, and start again , as there’s no password back up from Western Digital. But thankfully turned to page 56 on the user manual. Which told me to press the two buttons on the Passport till the light flashed white. Then when it settles back to blue, you can reset the password, which is now default as “MyPassport “ Then I reinstalled the My Cloud app. ( which for some reason was an improvement) And followed instructions, which ment reconnecting to the MyPassport Wireless and my broadband server. (So make sure you have your password for the server first, it’s usually on your modem.) All my files are intact, and I’m exhausted! Hope this helps someone.
Handy to know. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks.Your welcome.