I connected to my mac pro,going to my passport local.Login window shows up.it says…user name admin,and asked for the pass word.I wrote the pass word i registered,but it does not accept it.when i click the pass word window it also show …used pass word for: and under that that it says (no user name).Please let me know how to sort this problem. I also sometie find difficult to login to my passport .local?. Thanks.
As a recommendation, trying resetting the drives password using the system only reset.
For a system only reset, the battery has to have at least a 25% charge.
- With the power ON, hold down the Power and WPS buttons at the same time for
around 10 seconds until the drive reboots and the Power and Battery Status LED
flashes white. - Wait until the Wi-Fi LED is blue before reconnecting.
Many thanks, I just did that it works.