Sd card problem

i’ve never faced that kind of problem sd card automatically returns the way it was before.No matter i do,i cant change a little thing -even a file name-.i tried formatting from phone or phone.What should i do

Give more information about what is happening, such as what type of card it is (full-size or micro, memory capacity, new or old, etc.), what computer OS you’re running, and what exactly is happening (error messages on phone or computer, etc.).

With so little to go on, no one can hazard a guess or suggest a solution. Remember, more information is always better than not enough. :wink:

its not old.micro 8gb.i couldnt change anything on it.i can delete rename but its effectless.for example i deleted a mp3.about a few minutes later it comes back. even i can play this music file

when i plugged it in computer system said that storage needs i tried it to delete everything in the seems to be deleted.then same happened.

i also tried to download something from video downloader app.but it said reading only.

and this card cant be formatted by phone

Are you on a PC or Mac?

on pc.can a sd card reader solve problem.maybe i can format it directly

That would be a good idea to try.

Good luck!

i can just find a usb sd card reader but it doesnt sd card still seems read only.i cant format it directly and all i changed on sd card still turns to its old-self