Sansa Media Converter for Mac

Hi, is there a sansa media converter for the mac or an equivalent that is free.  Also is there a website that has videos and movies already converted for the sansa fuze that you can just download similar to sites like for the ipod?  Any help would be appreciated


No there is no SMC for MAc, YOu will have to search this board for a program that does the trick for you, and no there is no site like that.

Unfortunately with the current fuze firmware the only video converter that can be used with the fuze is the SMC. no way to get vids on the fuze using a mac.

@drlucky wrote:
Unfortunately with the current fuze firmware the only video converter that can be used with the fuze is the SMC. no way to get vids on the fuze using a mac.

There have been work arounds that have been proven to work. Something I forgot is to tell you to try Rhapsody I dont know if it is mac compatable but it will transfer music on PC.

@conversionbox wrote:


There have been work arounds that have been proven to work. Something I forgot is to tell you to try Rhapsody I dont know if it is mac compatable but it will transfer music on PC.

must have missed those posts. i will do some searching, would love to transfer vids using my mac. rhapsody does not have a mac or linux version :frowning:

Message Edited by drlucky on 02-25-2009 03:33 PM

I am having the same problem.

 Rhapsody is NOT Mac compatible for the viedo conversion and why should you have to become a Rhapsody subscriber just to use an mpeg player anyway?.  The easiest solution is to return the Sansa and buy something that works.  I can’t believe SanDisk would create a format completely ego-centric and then limit its application availibility so severely–that’s just rude.  Thanks for ruining my son’s Christmas.  I’m taking this back tomorrow and using my money for something reasonable and normal.

Musecisian wrote:

I am having the same problem.


 Rhapsody is NOT Mac compatible for the viedo conversion and why should you have to become a Rhapsody subscriber just to use an mpeg player anyway?.  The easiest solution is to return the Sansa and buy something that works.  I can’t believe SanDisk would create a format completely ego-centric and then limit its application availibility so severely–that’s just rude.  Thanks for ruining my son’s Christmas.  I’m taking this back tomorrow and using my money for something reasonable and normal.

Enjoy what ever you do get. As a Mac user for a while now, I have learned that my Sansa and I will have to sacrifice some features, if I rely on my Mac alone as it is. However, I have access to PC, and I recently installed windows on my Mac using Bootcamp, this allows me to use those features that I would otherwise lose because of the mac.

Try Video4Fuze.

It’s supposed to be cross-platform. 

You’ve gotta be freekin’ kidding me. I bought this Sansa Fuze because I heard how great it was for video and music and said on the box that it was Mac Compatible.  Sure, the device is recognized by my Mac; HOWEVER, this brilliant Sansa Media Converter IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR WINDOWS!!! So disappointed in this product. If they really want to compete with Mac and iPods (which I hope they do), you’re gonna HAVE to start supporting Macs on this. So disappointed.

Sansa Media Converter is troublesome anyway.

As above, video4fuze is your key to happiness. Merry Christmas.

Meanwhile, go to Settings/System Settings/USB Mode and put it in MSC mode. Auto Detect should go to MSC when connected to a Mac, but you might as well just set it and forget it.

Help! I have been dying to get an MP3, this Fuze, with video. I bought a CD and got it on the computer but I can’t figure out how to get it from the computer onto the MP3. I don’t even know how to save it. Help! And also, is there enough space to even have a video, with the music that I have on there now?

Read previous posts.

Video Converter:

The music on the CD is in digital files. Those files have to be copied from the CD into the computer–and converted from CD format (.wav) to .mp3 to save space. (The Fuze will play .wav, but they can be 10 times larger than .mp3 and so you’ll get  a lot less music on the Fuze.) The copying and conversion are called ripping

Open WIndows Media Player. Right-click the very top of the window, on the words Windows Media Player. Then choose Tools and Options.,  There’s a tab for Rip Music.  Choose where you want your computer to store the ripped albums. You could make a folder creatively titled Music or Albums.

Then, below that, choose the format. Make it mp3 and slide the slider most of the way to the right–256 kbps–for good quality. Close the Options window.

Put the CD in the computer and  it should show up in Windows Media Player. Go to the Rip tab and Rip.

Run your video through the video converter above. It the resulting file is smaller than the remaining space on your player, you have room for it. You probably do. If you run out of space you can get an external microSDHC card to hold more stuff.