Sansa Fuze

Hey you guys i was wondering if there was a way to hook your sanza fuze up to your car stereo. My car does not have a tape deck and the reveiws for transmitters has been horrible so are there any other options?

Only if you have a USB or Aux In port.

Thanks,and how do i locate those options in my vehicle?

Look on (or around) your radio. If they’re there, you’ll see them.

@tapeworm wrote:

Look on (or around) your radio. If they’re there, you’ll see them.


And if not, you may need another radio, which supports line in and/or USB.

Or, you can try this solution, which I have just found on the Fuze+ forum/section/whatever you call it: Check it out!

There will be a jack on the front of your car radio–a USB port or a headphone-jack-like jack labeled AUX. Newer car stereos have them. Old ones don’t.