where can i get a new usb cable compatible with the sansa clip?
I buy all my cables from monoprice.com, great prices and great cables.
I believe the clip uses a USB A to min-B 5pin cable. Check before you buy.
The cable that the Clip uses is very common, the connector is called mini-B. It is used my many digital cameras, portable HDD drives, webcams, as well as many other MP3 players (one notable exception are iPod players; they use a propietary connector).
I never buyed one of these cables but I have 3 or 4 so I can connect my clip at home and office without actually carrying a cable or even using the one that came bundled. If you don’t have any, just be sure to buy one with a mini-B connector. You should be able to find it at (almost) any electronics store.
The only thing to be aware of is that some low quality cables (too thin or too long, maybe?) may not work properly, but I have not (yet) come into that situation.