I recently just purchased the “sansa clip zip” because my old sansa clip was having issued with static in the audio and poor battery life after 3 years of nearly 6 days/week use for 2hrs a day.
With the new zip clip I noticed a change from the old simple display which I loved. I consider the new color display a “downgrade” from the old model because RELEVANT information regarding song title, artist and album with elapsed time/duration are no longer displayed together.
Instead, we’re given an album art (why?) a progress bar, song and title.
Please go back to the old format of Artiist with song title and album title scrolling WHILE showing elapsed time and duration.
If I wanted colorful pictures to show off to other people what i am listening to i would have bought one of those terrible ipods.
I liked the simplicity of the old clips and the dedication to functionality. I was expecting this when I bought the zip clip. I was terribly dissapointed.
This change to displaying almbum art instead of relevant information is a major step back.
You might be interested in rockbox for the Zip since the screen is user theme-able: http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?target=sansaclipzip Although since we just put up the theme site, theres only 2 of them at the moment! Maybe someone will make one more like the clip+ eventually.