I accidentally formatted my WD 5TB MyPassport drive. I used this drive to migrate my PC files and I’ve lost everything! What is the best way to recover my files? Is there anything WD can so for support?
formatting overwrites the crucial parts of the indexes so it’s all but impossible to recover
some unformat programs have been developed and all came up short
I formatted a 1TB WD drive years ago to test how much data i could recover from it
succeeded in recovering 99% of it.
There’s lots of data recovery software out there, but the one i used was GetDataBack for NTFS
Ignore the post from the other user.
1st of all don’t write any data to drive as this will reduce the change of recovering your data.
2nd, you will need another Hard Drive to recover the data to ie. You can recover the data to you 5TB Drive … if the drive was full when you formatted it, you’ll need a second 5TB Drive
3rd, When using Data Recovery Software, don’t check any “Quick Recovery” option … always select Full, or Deep Analyse
4th, To recover a substantial amount of data from a 5TB … it will take a very long time, not hours, but Days
No, WD don’t do Data Recovery
They will only recommend Data Recovery Services … $$$$$$$
Thank you all for the advice and quick responses. I have tried certain disk recovery programs with no success. I will continue to try other software to see if it works, if not I may send the drive to one of the 3rd party recovery services. I really appreciate all the support from the community; it gives me hope!
Like I said, formatting is very destructive
Have you tried Stellar Data Recovery software? If not, then I suggest you to give a try to Stellar Data Recovery Free Edition, you don’t need to pay any amount neither they ask for any details. Just simply download the software & run a scan on affected drive. If it shows the desired results then it means that data can be recovered. You can either recover up to 1 GB data at free or you can proceed to upgrade the software to paid version to recover unlimited data.
But initially, its absolutely free & also, it is one of the reliable data recovery software.