I own a My Book 1.5 T Home Edition. It is recognized by the system and seems to be hooked up correctly.
But whenever I try to move large folders to and from it, it will begin moving them at a decent speed, then suddenly freeze up, and the Estimated time to completion shoots up ridiculously. After about 3 or 4 minutes, the speed recovers again and it works right. But without fail it freezes up again about every 5 minutes.
It does the same thing when playing video files off of it. It will play the first 7 or 8 minutes, then will just freeze the video, and progress at about a frame per 5 seconds. I have to exit out of the player and wait a few minutes, then the file will load again and play fine just to fail 7 minutes later.
It seems that this happens more often when reading from the drive, because I can download large files (over 2 Gigs) to the drive straight from the internet and it won’t freeze up.
I downloaded and ran the drive utility from WD, but it just says its fine, and if I run it during one of those freezes, it just freezes too, until it can finish its scan.
I am running a windows 7 64 bit operating system. I have also tried both the Firewire and USB hookups, they both freeze in the same manner.
Any help would be appreciated.