I’ve had my Hard drive for about a year. I’ve loaded it up with a number of movies and shows. Never had a problem until the last month. When I attempt to watch anything at this point, the files stops mid playback. Typically early on my 360 and says cannot play content. When I attempt to watch via PC, it freezes in the same spot(s) and I have to fast forward about 15 seconds ahead to get past the hiccup. At first, this was a minor inconvience, but as I add more, it seems to be getting worse, to where, I have to do this 15+ times during a 45 minute episode. As a side note. I do not have internet access on my PC where I play my videos and I connect wirelessly w/ my Xbox to a community router. Is it my lack of internet or fast enough connection via 360 that is causing this? Or something else I’m missing? Older files play without a problem. I’m lost and wondering if my book needs to be replaced or if I need new drivers for it.
Have you tried to defrag the drive or run checkdisk? That would be a starting point.
Tried a defrag last night, but it errored out. Have not tried scandisk yet. I will now.
How full is the drive? Defrag needs some room to work.
Ran a scandisk earlier and ran the hd. No change. Running the defrag now on an older pc. It’s been running for a few hours. Basically waiting to see what happens after it finishes. I cleaned it up a bit prior to starting the defrag, and it currently has 18% free space.
That should be enough free space. I’ve seen people run into that when they partitioned the HD and were stingy on what they allocated for the system.
Ok, after nearly 42 hours of defrag. The drive completed the process. Some files seemed to have been fixed with a slight delay where the file qould previously freeze. Unfortunately, I am still experiencing the same problem with other files on the drive. Any ideas on another solution?
Not to sound like an ■■■■■, but how do I check PM’s on here?
Diadem wrote:
Not to sound like an ■■■■■, but how do I check PM’s on here?
You’ll find instructions on this link.