Problems after broken disk

Hi everybody!

so i have an isue with the my passport wireless pro. the hard disk broke (lots of klicking) and the hard drive would go into flashing mode right after start up.

i decided to open it up and replace the drive with an ssd i have laying around as a test. i have formatted the ssd into exfat.

now when i connect to pc the device is vissible in device manager and the hard drive shows up as a external drive. so far succes. however once i disconnect the device it goes into all leds fast flashing after a few seconds. then when i turn it off and on it goes into all leds 3x blinking then pauze. after its stops and turns of i turn it back on again and the wifi and hard disk led flash a bit, after a minute or so back to all leds flashing… what am i missing here? i tried the firmware update but it doesnt respond to that (i think the latest version is already on there)

thank you for any replies!