I have a weird issue. Tried to google for solution, contacted the support, but haven’t got a solution that helps…
The story is, that few years ago i bought My Book Studio 1TB for mac external hard drive. I was using it it on my late 2009 macbook pro 15". I wasn’t using it with TimeMachine or for any weird computer backups. It was just an external hard drive for my important work files. I just connected it when i needed to store or access files from there, when i needed.
The procedure was simple - i connect it to my macbook then just unlock it with a password and everything was working fine. Besides, the OS i was using on i my laptop was os x Mavericks as i recall. The WEIRD THINGS started to happen when i bought my brand new iMac (running os x mavericks too). When i simply connected the hard drive, nothing shows up. Then i thought i need to instal WD Smartware for my new iMac for sure. I did that, and the drive mounted, but when i try to unlock it, i got the message that i can’t unlock it, and there is 0 Kb… Then i connected to my laptop again - everythings just fine - i am able to unlock it and it shows 1tb.
So, it wasn’t such a big deal until i was using my laptop at the same time with my iMac. But few days ago i spilled a lot of liquid on my laptop and it’s not working anymore… So, the only one computer is iMac. And i need somehow to access those files.
I hope i can access my life’s work somehow… Maybe i’m installing not the software i need? Because there’s 5 components that goes with WD smartware like:
- WD Universal Firmware Updater for Mac
- WD Quick Formatter for Mac
- Virtual CD (VCD) Manager for Mac
- WD SmartWare Update for Mac
- WD Macintosh +TURBO Drivers
When i specified the problem to the support directly i got the answer that mac doesn’t support WD smartware, just ‘some old versions, but officialy not supported’.
Hopefully someone can help me, thanks in advance!