Can someone please list step by step procedure for getting a playlist to work using Playlist creator?
I used to use winamp with my old Sansa, it was easy. Now winamp crashes when I plug in my Fuze. I did a lot of searches on solving that problem, spent hours trying all of them, to no avail. So, decided to just use Playlist creator…
More hours spent, finding all the music, making the playlist. Now, the playlist is on my Fuze, but it shows as empty. I have tried searching on this forum for solutions, tried a few of them, to no avail. I think someone could do a step by step?
Like this?
plug in your fuze to computer. Make sure you are in _______ mode.
Click on the box that says “Open with windows explorer”.
Drag and drop the playlist from Playlist creator to the music folder on your fuze, it should be in m3u format.
The above is just an example, could someone please write the specific steps that work for them?
Thanks in advance!
Sorry, I use Winamp and have never experienced crashes or any problems for that matter. There was a control issue between Winamp and Windows Media Player that causes crashes, but I believe that’s been resolved. You might want to check the Winamp site/forums. What version on Winamp are you using? Maybe a more current release would help.
Before settling on Winamp, I must have tried 10 different programs and/or scripts to get working playlists; Playlist Creator being one of them.
Sadly, it didn’t work even after downloading and installing the requisite & typically ‘bloated’ MicroSoft .NET garbage. As a side note though, I think it (Playlist Creator) makes .pla, not .m3u playlists.
Here are my steps in creating working .m3u playlists in Winamp. There’s another way too, but this may help. 
Message Edited by Tapeworm on 04-01-2009 05:53 PM
If you are experiencing the Winamp crash problem, most likely you are using MTP mode. If you use MSC mode you won’t have any problem with Winamp.
Note: MTP is required for subscription/DRM protected content. If you don’t need that, you’re much better off with MSC mode. If you switch modes, you’ll want to reformat the player and reload all your files after switching.
Actually I’ve tried switching modes, etc and it doesn’t matter. The Fuze crashes Winamp every time. Interestingly, I was able to put one playlist on my Fuze with Winamp on my first attempt. Worked like a charm, no problems. One of the songs then appeared to be “corrupted”, so, knowing how easy it was to do, I just deleted the playlist and music and started over. That’s when all the problems started.
@seespotto wrote:
Actually I’ve tried switching modes, etc and it doesn’t matter. The Fuze crashes Winamp every time. Interestingly, I was able to put one playlist on my Fuze with Winamp on my first attempt. Worked like a charm, no problems. One of the songs then appeared to be “corrupted”, so, knowing how easy it was to do, I just deleted the playlist and music and started over. That’s when all the problems started.
I’ve used WinAmp since day 1 and that sometimes occurs…(Winamp crashing when a device is attached). I don’t know which version you are using, but version 5.551 is stable on my system. When it has happened to me in the past, I’ve corrected the problem by un-installing and re-applying the software. In a couple of rare cases I had to use the previous version until the new version was available.
I don’t use playlists very often, but when I do, Winamp does a very good and easy job of creating them.