Playlist for Songs With Non-ASCII Filename Characters


I have a Sansa Clip+, firmware version V01.02.16P

In my player, I have several FLAC files with non-ASCII filename characters. Specifically they are Chinese characters. I can browse and listen to them fine. The Chinese characters show up nicely on the player.

However, I can’t seem to be able to create a playlist that contains any listing with non-ASCII characters.

I tried creating an .m3u file (using the correct M3U format) which contains 2 entries. One is a filename with purely ASCII characters, and one with non-ASCII characters. When I opened the playlist on the player, only the one with purely ASCII characters would show up.

Could anyone advise how I can create such a playlist? Note that I don’t use Windows, I don’t use a media player to manage my music library, and I mount the Sansa Clip+ in USB MSC mode to copy my music files. Hence, I would prefer to create the playlist by hand (using a text editor) instead of using a media library manager and sync-ing it over using MTP.

All I really need to know is the playlist file structure, with details like linebreak characters (LF or CRLF), directory separator (‘/’ or ''), file encoding, absolute or relative pathing, etc.

Suggestions are much appreciated, thanks!

@music_listener wrote:

 I can’t seem to be able to create a playlist that contains any listing with non-ASCII characters.


@music_listener wrote:
I tried creating an .m3u file (using the correct M3U format) which contains 2 entries. One is a filename with purely ASCII characters, and one with non-ASCII characters. When I opened the playlist on the player, only the one with purely ASCII characters would show up.



@music_listener wrote:

Could anyone advise how I can create such a playlist?

Don’t think it will work. As yoiu’ve already discovered.