Not reading 64GB Ultra micro sdxc

I have just purchased a Sandisk Ultra 64GB Micro SDXC card but when using in my Archos 101XS tablet the card will not mount and therefore I cannot use it, Sandisk told me before purchase that the card IS compatible with the Archos, I have tried formatting using my PC to exFAT but this still does not work. any help would be greatly appreciated,

Best wishes to all for 2013.

Is the card reader/adaptor you’re using (if any) SDXC-compliant?

Try formattig the card to FAT32 on your PC  . You  can also try formatting the card with the SD formatter programme from 

Thnaks for your excellent suggestion Dan, but just a tip . . . please note the date of the post/thread you intend to reply to before posting. Replying to an over a year-old thread is rarely helpful.  :wink: