New WD dashboard 4.0.2 is causing a huge rise in CPU temperature

The overview page open in WD dashboard 4.0.2 is eating ~7% of my CPU usage, which explains the massive rise in the temperature. I think it may have to do with the UI animation. Opening other pages such as Tools, My Devices, etc. are not causing the same issue.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

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I do not see this myself, but you can try enabling GPU hardware acceleration. In version 4.0 GPU hardware acceleration was disabled.

You can enable by adding the command line flag -enable-gpu-support when launching the application (e.g. edit the shortcut on your desktop to add that flag).


Yes, the same at my pc. It takes 100% CPU at 2 cores.
I already set message to support. There would be good you send it too to have bigger chance to solve it. This version is very buggy. There are already 4 threads here with new version bugs.

I tried -enable-gpu-support. It is better, only 1 core instead of 2 has 100% CPU.

New version is out but high cpu usage is still not fixed.
This thread is marked as solved but it is not. Bug is still the same.

Thank you for sharing. :blush:

Solved for me by updating to newer version.

Thanks for give the solution :+1:

@bnone how to update newer version :innocent:

Thanks for give the right solution :smiling_face: