New Firmware For SN750?

May i know if there will be any new FW for SN750. Using it on M2B(chipset) slot and got write speed at around ~1100mbps. I’m using Gigabyte X570 Pro Wifi.

It is similar to issue on the SN850 model. Understand that SN850 will be getting a FW update for this issue. So will SN750 get a FW update too on this? Some links to the issue below. Thanks.


Hi @leongws,

This is to inform you that WD Black SN750 SSD Drive is updated with the inbuilt firmware.

Also, please download WD Dashboard to test the drive health status:

Already got dashboard installed when i first got the SSD 1 week ago. But even on an empty ssd, the write speed is only ~1100mbps when on chipset slot. My main slot already in use (Adata SX8200 Pro).

There are no new firmware for SN750 to address the issue unlike for SN850 which got a new firmware to fix it. That is why i opened this thread to specifically ask if there are any intention for new FW for SN750…

I don’t even see the WD_Black UI when i plug my SN750 in. Also my firmware version just says 1111.

My version number is WDS100T3X0C-00SJG0 What’s yours? My capacity shows lower also at 931gb I think.

Mine same as yours WDS100T3X0C-00SJG0

I have the same problem. The same disk (SN750 1TB) shows a very low write (approx. 1GB / s). The reading is correct (approx. 3 GB). The disk is inserted into the second slot (M.2_2) on the MSI B550 Gaming Plus motherboard. Is it a problem with the drive’s firmware or the B550 chipset? Will it be possible to update the firmware of this disk?

My problem still persist since i started this thread more than a month ago.

I believe WD should release a FW for SN750 to address this issue. SN850 also have this issue and a new FW released for that seems to fix this slow write issue.

SN750 basically are facing similar issue but for reason unknown, there are no new FW to address this…which to me is kind of double standard in the handling of this problem.

Thank you for your reply.
I knew about the problems with the SN850 firmware, but only today I came across your topic on this forum, which explained to me where the problem is with the SN750. For a week now I have been trying my best to fix this problem (disable and enable caching, reset the BIOS, reinstall chipset drivers, etc.). I haven’t done one more - checking this disk in the first slot - M.2_1. Have you checked the parameters of this disk on your wM.2_1 motherboard, are they correct? I don’t know if it’s a chipset or disk firmware problem. Also, I believe WD will not forget the SN750 problems …

I did not try on M2A(CPU) slot. However reference from the SN850 thread, there are user who found out that the maximum payload size for SN850 on CPU slot is showing 256b while Chipset slot is showing just 128b. That resulted in slow write speed. A new FW for SN850 addresses this issue.

For my SN750 it shows similar, 256b(cpu) and 128b(chipset).

M2A Slot(CPU)

M2B Slot(chipset)

OK, I understand … Can I ask you for the name of the application from which you uploaded the screenshots? Both in AIDA64 and Speccy and other such detailed data about the data bus I do not see …
I am curious if WD is going to do something about this SN750 problem …

Now I recognized - it’s HWINFO?

Correct . Its HWINFO.

I have actually raised a support ticket asking if there will be a new FW for SN750 to address this issue but the reply was there is no information about firmware updates of WD Black SN750.

I checked in HWInfo - it is indeed the same as for you. Directly or indirectly is the fault of the disk controller?
It is sad that they are ignoring the questions.
And I don’t think they will release a new firmware - it’s a model from nearly 3 years ago. I am a pessimist, but I will also monitor their support.
I still have the option of returning this disk to the store and I think I’ll do it.

I also reported the need for a firmware update to WD Technical Support. I can’t believe I’ll see an update, but I’ll try …
In the case of other brands or models of NVME disks in this second M.2 slot - this problem does not occur? Is it the fault of this unfortunate nvme controller? I have no way of checking it now. I would have to disassemble my Adat SX8200 pro from the first slot. Nevertheless, let us wish good luck and … hope :slight_smile:

I’m having the same issue. I have contacted WD support for many times without a resolution. I have seen others having this issue becasue of AMD x570 chipset. However, mine is Intel skylake B150- a 5 year old intel gen 6 motherboard.
Slow sequential write speed, never higher than 1200MB/s.1TB SSD, installed onto a PCIe 3.0 X4 M.2 NVME port. Updated motherboard BIOS. Using it as a data drive not a boot drive. WD dashboard app shows connection is Gen3 (4 Lanes), latest firmware, TRIM enabled, and also Windows write caching is enabled. Everything looks good except the write speed.
My Samsung 970 EVO plus 1TB on the same M.2 slot gives me good write speed, so nothing wrong with my PC I believe.
Sandisk NVME controller value from HWiNFO software shows Maximum Payload Size Supported: 256 bytes
Maximum Payload Size: 128 bytes.
Googled online and found one recent reddit post saying his new 2021 purchased 1TB SN750 has similar slow write speed using his external enclosure, but his previous purchased 6 months old 1TB SN750 perform good speed. So I guess this is sth to do with hardware. Link is here:
Write speed still remains about 1100MB/s after performing a format. Even done with a secure erase. I have also ran HD Tune Pro 5.75 200GB file write test and saw constant write speed at 1.05GB/s. It seems that SLC cache speed never existed during the test.
The NVME SSD was made in Jun, 2021.

Same issue here, Asus X570-E Strix, If using the chipset lanes, the max payload size drops, and write speeds are crippled.

I wish they would confirm if they are still supporting the SN750 or if they discontinued it and have no plans of further firmware updates.

So am i,see!

Slow write speed(1100) on x570 using M2 chipset slots.

In contacting their support, the last response I received a few weeks ago was them asking engineering, but beyond that, there is no response as of yet. WD needs to address this issue, they are currently the only company with a SSD experiencing this issue.

I can confirm all of this on a Rog Strix B550-E Gaming. Performance and Max Payload Size. I’m currently annoying the hell out of WD’s support with this issue.

Maybe it helps if alot of people complain…

Good luck trying to get a response from support, they said that those speeds (low speeds from M.2 slot from chipset) are expected. I submitted benchmark screenshots from both slots and results from my other nvme drive and they did not want to keep responding. Support said to submit a RMA for the drive but I am expecting the same results.

There is a Chinese youtuber that has said that he has the same issue but it seems no one else has tested or cares. I’ll post the YouTube video but it is in Chinese so I suggest turning on subtitles/cc.

SN750 user here. Bought this is in April and only today installed it into my expansion card.
I was running a Toshiba 500gb KXG60ZNV512G and was getting read and write speeds of around 3000/3000 when i first installed it.

Tested the SN750 and got this

Wasn’t expecting to see such rubbish write speeds compared to my older Toshiba drive

Both tested carried out in the same PCIe gen3x4 lane slot in the same expansion card.

If i had paid the correct price for this drive i would be p***** but at least i know i’m not on my own in knowing something is clearly wrong with the 2tb version. Maybe it was mis-priced on purpose to get rid of the stock. Still worth the £110 i paid but a bit depressing i am not seeing the full benefit of the advertised speeds.