I’ve had this system for a few weeks now and I’m pleased, it has sped up my system an average of 4x of its normal boot / program load / shutdown times.
I find that its "up against the wall’ at its 32GB limit most of the time tho.
Are there any plans to release a larger ReadyCache SSD drive ? 64GB ? , 128GB ?
If I buy another 32GB ReadyCache drive, will the caching software use both 32GB ReadyCache Drives for a 64GB cache drive for my system?
But spending more money on this solution is pretty senseless. If you pay the amount you spend on this SSD twice you already have a good SSD with like 120GB. This is often sufficient for all programs on one PC. You could leave the old HDD for user data or programs which don’t need much time to start up or which won’t be used that often.
SSD caching has only one purpose: To provide a SSD-like speed for ppl who can’t afford a big SSD and/or ppl who aren’t able to install their programs on the right drive.