Need data off this drive, help!

I have a My Passport Essential SE, was working fine, now gets stuck at ‘Drive discovering’ when looking at quick view.  My computer shows it as a CD drive but will not let me view it.

Running Vista.

How can I quickly and cheaply get my data off this drive?  I already did a RMA and got a replacement so need to send this one back soon.  I live in a remote area, no services close.  Thank you to all that may have help for me.


Does the drive show in Disk Management? If so look down by the bars and what does it say there?


In Disk Management it is listed as:

Disk 1  Unknown  0 MB  0 MB  Not Initialized  USB  Not Applicable

FYI- with my new Passport I’ve updated the software for WD SmartWare, the new Passport is working fine. 

This 1st Passport is still stuck at ‘Drive discovering’

I had also updated with the 1st Passport before all went bad.  I uninstalled all of that and reinstalled with the old one, no improvement,  then again with the new one.

I did notice at one point with my new Passport that it was at ‘Drive discovering’ also, when waiting for my password to unlock it.

Could the old one be stuck at wanting a password?  I believe I took the password control off it before it completely stopped working so I figure it shouldn’t be wanting it.

Also, in WD SmartWare is states:

No Writable WD SmartWare partition found

Thank you for any help you can give.
