Mysterious Ticking Noise from 2TB My Book


I got my ext drive in September and backed up my MacBook Pro. I hadn’t backed it up since then because I misplaced my cords, but I found them about two weeks ago. Anyway, I tried to back my stuff up, but when I plugged it into the wall, the light kept blinking and making a clicking noise. My MBP couldn’t detect it either, even in Disk Utility. My USB ports work on my MBP and I tried other cords and outlets…and no success. Is my external hard drive shot? I really need to back up my school work :confused:

Oh yes also right after I backed up my computer, I partitioned my laptop’s hard drive so I could run windows.


Did you ever figure this out? Seems I have the same problem.

While the drive is making that ticking noise during power up, gently tap on the side of the drive. The noise should go away and your drive would work again. It happened to mine and I did it and it works.