Mypassport wireless error 400162

Ok i have a brand new device, loaded with the kids movies and on holiday.

took a flight yesterday and powered it up and get NO DRIVE USAGE on main mypassport.local page.

Only get SMB sharing.

Tried rebuilding database and get error 400162

I can see all the files when connected USB

HELP, kids doing my head in!!!

Hi there, welcome to the community.

I would try resetting the drive with the information shown  in the user manual.

all ready tried that, did not clear the drive data!

What is the problem that you are having?

Ok long message. Unit works fine when connected to USB, all files are available and work when streaming. When running as a streamer there are no files available. Home screen shows battery level etc, BUT nothing in the drive window Try and stream from a player and you only get SMB, which shows no files, UPNP is NOT Available When you try and rebuild/refresh you get error 400162 as the error and again no files are available. This unit was working but stopped once i turned it off an on. Reading other posts about this error says that twonky media loses its .ini file and they just ssh into and create the .ini file. But the unit i have has no ssh available As i said kids loved it, now kids are NOT Happy. ALSO I did the system restore, and both times i had to setup the unit, BUT when doing the System and Disk, the disk WAS NOT ERASED joolz

The only thing that I could suggest besides performing the system reset, is trying to manually update the firmware of the device. If that doesn’t work, you might want to try to  contact WD support and see if they have any tips to provide.

joolzg wrote:> Reading other posts about this error says that twonky media loses its .ini file and they just ssh into and create the .ini file.

Did you try rebuilding the DLNA *AND* media databases?  Try rebuilding the DLNA db first.  Then, if that doesn’t fix it, try rebuilding the media db.  Turning “Streaming” off and on again may rewrite a file and kick start it, too.  Worth a try.

I vaguely recall encountering this problem with my device when I first got it.  Updating the firmware may prevent this from happening again, but I would wait until you are not travelling to attempt updating the firmware unless you are completely out of options.

I had the same problem - no disk status on the main page - finally connected to my PC (was using Mac) via USB and it wanted to “repair” the drive so I let it scan & fix - that got rid of the error message and the disk metrics started showing up.

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OK the plot thickens

I have tried all the reboots, factory setup and factory setup with erase disk *this did not work"

but yesterday it was working!!! i connected it to my mac and watched a film for 30 seconds, disconeected and voila everything worked.

powered it off over night and this morning nothing again

it just does not seem to see the database

btw i upgraded it to the latest as soon as i bought it

looks like this is going back to a refund boys


ok just found the ssh enable switch and turned it on, logged in and guess what


Seems the new version of firmware is not detecting the HD

Possibly the drive has errors that makes it impossible for the MPW’s kernel to mount it.  Can you plug it into a PC and check it for errors?

PC or MAC, drive is fine

I can copy stuff to and from with no problems.


anywhere to download an earlier version than v1.04.06

more info

  1. ssh into unit

  2. found that the disk had a GPT error

  3. Fixed with parted

  4. rebooted all errors gone

  5. NO DISK ON front page and no files being served

  6. ssh in

  7. mount sda and all fine

  8. reboot

  9. still NO streaming and disk being seen

Well, you seem to know what you are doing, so perhaps the MPW is just broken.

I would have run CHKDSK over it while connected via USB, and if all was good, contacted WD Support for a replacement. Maybe I would have formatted the drive after CHKDSK, and then reset both the System and Disk, but I hate to give up on fixing stuff.

Unless you are willing to open up the MPW, and void warranty I suspect, then check and maybe further fix the disk, I don’t think there is much more you can do.

While I wouldn’t say that reporting of failures has been high, there have been a few.

well my problem is that it mounts manually without any errors.

will do a chkdsk when i get access to a windows pc

RoderickGI wrote:

Well, you seem to know what you are doing, so perhaps the MPW is just broken.


I would have run CHKDSK over it while connected via USB, and if all was good, contacted WD Support for a replacement. Maybe I would have formatted the drive after CHKDSK, and then reset both the System and Disk, but I hate to give up on fixing stuff.


Unless you are willing to open up the MPW, and void warranty I suspect, then check and maybe further fix the disk, I don’t think there is much more you can do.


While I wouldn’t say that reporting of failures has been high, there have been a few.

Use PC/Mac backup your data.  Then reformat the drive as ExFAT, which WPT prefer.  As I know, WPT will scan the drive if it think there is a problem with the drive.  This could take awhile to finish the scan before it mount the drive.

returned to the shop

going to think about buying this again !!

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