New passport wireless rocky but common start

I got the 2tb pro model from BH a couple days ago…

And here i am still trying to get this to work.

First issues were password recognition. Had to reset the hd.

Is the passport pro meant to be connected to the home internet connection as well?

Everything seems to be very slow.

I insert a microSDcard and think it should just take off and do its thing automatically…it doesnt…
Should i use a card reader with usb?

More issues but want to see if any one else sees this at first…
Thank you

Did you get the “Pro” or the older original model?

If you have looked at the full user manual, you would have known the unit is intended to be connected to home network/internet. It works better at home that way. You only need to use the internal wi-fi of unit when you are not at home.

Also, if you look at the manual you will know how to use the SD card reader. The manual is on the drive, or if you cannot find it it can be downloaded from WD Support. Get familiar with it through the manual and don;t run off half cocked to use it right away!

I got the Pro model.

The GD instructions are not really very clear on how and whento use any feature.

The dashboard says Zero Capacity for the new drive.

Nothing much has changed on the thing through the dashboard…in the last hour.

So if this thing will not work properly at home wirelessly, how do you think this will work when we are not home.

I want to backup Sd, or micro sd cards while on photoshoots and be able to edit stuff .

I have been in the business for a very long time and this product is most unintuitive WD product .

I read the manual for the sections that were pertinent. I had to call customer service so they could get this thing to respond to anything by showing me how to reset it… i hope i can get this towork soon because i am this close to sending it back to B&H.

Thanks for your warning, and your time to respond.

Look Alfred, the first GD instructions you get with this thing is to use the network, so that is the route i followed.

Thanks for your lofty advice but it has been frustrating enough of a day…


Well, once you have recovered from the ordeal, try again. Since the MPW is more complicated than a toaster, it
takes some effort to “get it”. Yes, setting it up does tend to separate the men from the boys, although set up properly it does work properly. I have a few wireless drives to testify to this.

So, you said it was suppose to be use on home network instead of wireless, you didnt address my comment on that.

So how do uou connect to this thing through the home network since they are nt really connected except throught its network.

Do you actually know what the heck you are talking about? I appreciate the response but i am sure people are use to your borderline dkish tone, but i am not. Please give some one else a chance to respond if they want.

I have had this thing for 2 days and I am done. It cannot be this difficult to get this thing to work with my iphone, IPAD or IMAC…it is stupid awkward. I am returning it fir something else…


Yes, I know exactly what I am talking about, and do not have any more time to assist someone who hasn’t a clue what he is doing. Go ahead, exchange for something else. You will have the same issues because the root of the problem is you are not following the WD setuo instructions. of the setup from the get-go, and do not understand the concept of concurrently connecting two wireless signals to one another. THAT is how you get the internet signal when using the MPW and can access the MPW from anywhere your router extends to.

Best of luck to you.

For anyone thinking of buying this product, only 37% gave this item 5 stars. The poor reviews mirror the rest of us who have no idea what we are doing. LOL.

It is a great idea for a product and will fill a niche for a seamless backup for professionals and a decent pricepoint from a reputable brand, when they fix the bugs.

I do not recommend this product at this time.

Yeah thanks professor.

FYI, I have only written about 3 Amazon reviews, and the first one I wrote was for the original MPW; in fact I wrote the second review. I knew people would have issues setting it up (i did) so I covered some of the pitfalls in the review. Over the months that followed the MPW got plenty of reviwes and about a third of them were negative. I could tell the people writing them never read my review, never read the manual or had no clue of what they were doing. That is the way with any Amazon review I have read for products I already have and like.

Here are more tips for you. I found that setting the MPW up away from my computer desk with all the electronics nearby caused connection issues. So, I took the MPW and my iPad away from it all and set it up using the iPad browser worked better. One of the first steps is to get connected to the MPW wifi and then, connect that wifi to the router’s wifi. this enables one to have internet on their mobile device AND by being on the home network to have greater range.

Since you know how to do the 2-button reset to System Only, I suggest you do this and do the setup from the beginning. Follow the instructions step by step and also get the MPW on your network as well. Once on your network your MPW wifi is combined with home wifi and you will always connect to the MPW when on your home wifi SSID. Only when not on the home wifi will you ever connect directly to the MPW’s wifi.

This is the kind of response that is worthy of gratitude and respect and not the flippant blathering we read earlier!

I sent the device back over 24hours ago and I a disappointed I could not make sense of the device…or your instruction but now wonder if it could have worked…

The AMAZON peer reviews indicated that the average joe has issues with this device and it is only a matter of time before WD acts, I hope… Now I have to make space on my Mac Book Pro in order to download then transfer to a Lacie XHD.

Thanks for your help ok.