MyBookLive 2tb - Is it now a paper weight?


I have a My Book Live 2tb version and I am having trouble mapping it as a drive in Win 10. I have seen others struggling too but the help that was given to them ether doesn’t work for my situation or is out of date (or I missed something). I naively reset the device thinking it might help, but it didn’t, and I’ve now lost old files…

Is this now just a paperweight? Or will it work with Win10?

Kind regards,



You could refer to the following link: How to Map a WD Network Drive on Windows 10 and Windows 11

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I assume you’ve tried re-enabling SMB1 in Windows 10 ?

That’s the most common issue for older network devices and Windows 10.

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Finally sorted it :slight_smile:

It was SMB2 that was holding me back. Thanks guys!