Hi, I’m not technically minded so please bear with me.
I’ve just had a new pc built and it runs Windows 10. I have connected my ‘My Book Live’ device and I’m having difficulty in viewing it. When I click on ‘This PC’ I can see other external hard drives and my internal hard drives.
The ‘My Book Live’ seems to appear under the heading ‘Network Locations’ and is displayed as ‘MyBook Live - Twonky’ which gives me access to the files stored on it but I have to download them first…something which I never had to do previously.
Alternatively if I click on ‘Network’ below ‘This PC’ I can see ‘MyBookLive-Twonky’ within the ’ Media Devices’ heading and I can see ‘MyBook Live’ under the ‘Storage’ heading. When I click on the ‘MyBookLive-Twonky’ option I am taken to the Twonky Media screen ( And when I click on the ‘MyBook Live’ option it takes me to a website -
I used to be able to access this drive in a similar way to all of my other external hard drives and it enabled me to copy and paste files to it easily.
Another point worth mentioning is that when I first turned my pc on it immediately connected to the internet without me having to select my router and input the password for it, this is something which has never happened previously.
Any help to resolve this problem would be gratefully received.