MyBook seems to save backedup files in different format than in C: drive?

Why does MyBook save files in a format that can’t easily be clicked on to open? Lets say I want to take one file from the backup and bring it to my computer, how does one do this? If I restore from the full backup I assume it will revert back to the actual file type.


This will depend on the software you are using to backup the files, some programs do have a proprietary file to store the backup, what software are you using to backup you computer? This way we can better assist you on your question.

I am using the WD backup software that came with my new MyBook external drive. Here is what I see:
When I go into MyBook > WD Backup.swstor > Name of “My C: drive” back up > some crazy jumbled string of characters and numbers of a name > History > Volume ('sting of letters and numbers") > Users > Name of “My C: drive” back up > Documents: For example if my C: drive contained file_name.pdf, I now see file_name.pdf_LAST which does not open to the same pdf file. Windows can’t open this file, the pop up box reads. Further down the list I see another entry file_name.pdf57535da… and this one did open to the actual PDF file and it’s contents. BUT this was not the case for all the files. Only for the PDFs. For Excel spreadsheets I only see file_name.xlsx_LAST and file_name.XLSXS5736… neither which open.

For my photos,one time I did go in and the filesw were as they should be listed as JPEGS. I could click, move, etc any file saved.

So in summary, I see the actual type and copy of the file saved, in other cases or folders I do not. Does this help? Do you need screen shots?