My external HDD MyBook Essential (product number WDBACW0010HBK-00, serial number WCAV5N601455)) is not recognised by my Windows 10 PC.
Power is ok and I replaced the USB cable as well, without success.
Having looked at others having the same kind of issues in the past:
The HDD does not appear in Device Manager on Windows
In the Disk Management, the disks do not appear neither.
I checked the drivers and they are ok as well.
Plugging the external HDD to another laptop with Windows 10 does not solve the issue.
Does anyone know what steps I should follow to get this resolved and get access to pictures stored on this HDD ?
Is this hardware MyBook Essential still supposed to be working on Windows 10 with the different features updates installed (version 21H1)?
I had tried this before posting my request, but as the HDD is not recognised on my Windows 10 system (not present in Device Manager, not present as a disk in Disk Management), the WD Drive Utilities does not find it neither.
If My Book Essential (product number WDBACW0010HBK-00) is supposed to be supported by Windows 10 (21H1), do you have an idea of what could be missing? I also checked the drivers and apparently they are all up to date.
Regarding hardware, I already tried by connecting the HDD on another laptop, changed the USB cable, but without success.
Thanks in advance for your advice
I appreciate that you have performed the troubleshooting steps.
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I opened a case before going to the community, but no reply yet.
Case reference is 220120-004894, opened on 20th January 2022.
Issue with MYBook Essential is – It suddenly started asking for PASSWOD stating drive is locked but I never ever locked the drive.
for me, Drive is showing in Windows 10 device manager, and I can see it is connected on USB dirve list as well.
To debug issue, I connected this drive on my old PC with Windows’ 7 where still having “WD Smartware” and that also showing drive is locked.
I was going thru community posts and there are many users having same issue since long where “NO ONE Made MYBOOK Essential” Password protected but suddently it started asking for PASSWORD.
I have spent like 7 days with different versions of Windows and 3 PCs but not is working.
Appriciate WD Help here, am having critical data saved on my drive and it seems gone for now.
Not expecting this from WD.
Could you guys give some working solution here?
I have opened support case and reply is like doing basic level of investigation which I mentioned to support team that is it not helping at all.
Disk Drill would be useless in the present case. Moreover, here are the tools that data recovery professionals use, and most are cheaper than Disk Drill: